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The Fangirl

Long time geek, fangirl, mother, and reader. I've got a lot to say, you might not like it all, but it will be honest and hopefully helpful.

[Reblog] Anita Blake- Not so Super

Guilty Pleasures  - Laurell K. Hamilton The Laughing Corpse  - Laurell K. Hamilton Circus of the Damned   - Laurell K. Hamilton The Lunatic Cafe  - Laurell K. Hamilton Bloody Bones  - Laurell K. Hamilton The Killing Dance  - Laurell K. Hamilton Burnt Offerings - Laurell K. Hamilton Blue Moon - Laurell K. Hamilton Obsidian Butterfly - Laurell K. Hamilton Narcissus in Chains - Laurell K. Hamilton

There seems to be a glut of Urban Fantasy today.  People who read the odd fantasy book once seemed to believe that fantasy novels involved dragons and Morris men; today, such people most likely think that fantasy must have a vampire, werewolf, and a sexy woman involved in a love triangle.  Gone are the days of vampires and werewolves as the evil dictators who must be destroyed.  The average person stands a better chance of being the villain than those one time horror matinee characters.  While many of these books seem to invert standard gender roles and supposedly endorse a degree of sexual freedom for women, a closer look reveals a disturbing and confusing message about the nature of “good” women and sex.



One of the most astute breakdowns of how Paranormal Romance (specifically the Anita Blake books) normalizes rape/non-consensual sex.

Source: http://ethiercn.booklikes.com/post/545687/post