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The Fangirl

Long time geek, fangirl, mother, and reader. I've got a lot to say, you might not like it all, but it will be honest and hopefully helpful.

It's Alive!

My new Kindle Paperwhite, which I have named Necronomicon, arrived today, along with my new wireless router. Needless to say I'm in nerd heaven.


First impressions of the paperwhite:


  • A little heavier than I expected, but still more comfortable to hold than a book and easier on my eyes.
  • Not used to tapping the screen of a kindle (says the old lady with an iPhone. It's different, shut up.)
  • Love the adjustable backlight. Too much glare can strain my eyes like a mofo.
  • All the porn is in one place. YAY!



In summary, I am happy and am off to bed to read.